Friday, October 1, 2010

Patient Privacy on Statements

Submitted via the Contact Us button: "I had a patient call me because she was concerned that her complete social security number prints on her statements (she has Medicare). Is there a way to black part of and/or eliminate the social on the patient statements?"

Medicare uses patient social security numbers as policy numbers, meaning that the Payor settings will need to be changed. To do this, go to Settings > People and Places > Payors:

(Click any image to enlarge.)

Note: Not all users have the necessary permissions to implement this fix, so if the menu option is grayed out, ask your system administrator or client support representative to follow these steps.

Select the Medicare payor. (If you don't know how to quickly navigate to the correct payor, visit the Payor Searching blog post.) Once you have selected the payor, press the Edit button. Click on the Payor Options 2 tab, and place a check mark in the box labeled Do not print policy # or group # on personal statements:

After checking the box, Save and Exit the screen. No policy numbers should print on future statements for this payor. If you have several Medicare payors, you will have to do this process for each one. If a policy number does continue to print, please contact client services, since your personal statement logic may need to be updated.

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