Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Hidden Info in Financial Details

The Financial Details tab of Account Inquiry has a lot of information in the browse. This means that some of the columns will contain more information than they can display. For instance, it may only display a part of the Description, as shown here:

(Click on any image to enlarge.)

In this case, the browse columns can be adjusted to any width you like. For the screen shown above, the only information getting cut off is in the Description field. To fix this, aim your cursor (pointer) directly over the vertical black line directly in between the two column headings (Description and Payor), click and hold the mouse, and drag to the right until the entire Description is visible:

Note that the last column, Substatus, has been extended beyond the side of the visible portion of the browse. To view this column, use the scroll bar that appears at the bottom of the browse:

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