Thursday, October 14, 2010

Electronic Checks

In the past, when you received an electronic payment file containing multiple checks, you couldn't be sure when the funds from the checks would become available to your practice. Since you should not post a check until it has been deposited, an electronic file would contain the information regarding posted and unposted checks. When a check did arrive which needed to be posted, you had to identify both the file and the check.

GVT has added a major improvement for Electronic Payment Posting. Now, if you have a check that is ready to post, but don't necessarily know what payment file it is for, you can opt to simply enter the check number. Upon opening Patients > Payment Posting > Electronic Payment Posting, you will see two options at the top:

(Click any image to enlarge.)

Now, select the "Check Number" option and enter in the Check Number:

Press "Tab" on your keyboard or use the cursor to click inside the display area. Rexpert will find the check and display the file, payor and check amount. The displayed information can be used as a visual reference to verify that you have retrieved the correct check and continue the posting process.

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