Wednesday, August 10, 2016

A New Button!

We have received several suggestions about making future appointments readily accessible from payment posting. The idea is that this would assist users who are in the Payment Entry screen as they are adding a reminder statement for an unpaid co-pay, etc. In these cases it helps to know if a patient is going to return for a future appointment.

We have implemented this idea and have added a new button on the Payment Entry screen to take you directly to the patient's Account Registration screen. Here's how it works:

From the Payment Entry screen, click on the button (circled in red) next to the patient's date of birth:

You will now be taken to the patient's Account Registration screen where all future appointments will be listed in the Appointments drop-down box:.
An alternative method to accomplish the same thing is to press Ctrl+D while the cursor is on the account number (on the Payment Entry screen); this will bring up the patient's Account Information screen:

Selecting the Appointment  radio button will then bring up future appointments for perusal.

 The "Ctrl-D" method will accomplish the same objective but we think the button is handier; besides which, we are pretty proud of our button!

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