Monday, July 1, 2013

Interface Status

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The Stop/Start Interfaces screen has been updated with a new feature: the Check Interface Status option!

Settings > Tools > Stop/Start Interfaces

There may come a time when documents fail to send... when we are unaware of disconnected interfaces... when important messages go unnoticed... But that is not this day!
This day, we check our status!

With this new and improved update to the Stop/Start Interfaces screen, you can now check the status of your practice's interface with other systems such as Infinitt, Talk Technology, Medquist, etc.

To do this, first select the correct Interface from the drop-down menu. Then select Check Interface Status from the Action radio set. Note: the Command field will fill in automatically. If it does not, or if you do not see the interface whose status you wish to check, use the Feedback button to ask the Development Team to set this up for you. Lastly, select Begin. Information regarding the status of your interface will appear in the large yellow box at the bottom of the screen.

This option is not available for all users. If you think this feature would be beneficial to your practice, contact Client Services via the Feedback button.

Contributor: Kylie McKenzie Soder

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