Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Patient Tracking View

One of the newest, most exciting features incorporated into Rexpert is the Patient Tracking View of the Scheduler. From the moment when patients first arrive to the moment they leave the building, you can monitor the amount of time they spend in your practice. Here is a demonstration of Patient Tracking in action. First, navigate to Scheduling -> Patient Tracking View:

The first step is select the Location you wish to track, and all of today's scheduled patients will appear:

The next option allows you to choose what tracking options to show. Notice that most of the options in the drop-down list are the same options you see in the side selection list. This is helpful especially if you have a high volume of patients using your facilities, or maybe if you are hoping to determine the usefulness of an exam room based on how often it is in use throughout the day:

Use comments on a regular basis, or to note anything out of the ordinary about a transfer from one room to another. When someone is discharged, it is very helpful to note any small comments that might come in handy later. With the options available to select just when a patient is transferred from one room to another, there is no need to worry about managing this list too closely. It is possible to accurately report a patient being transferred up to half an hour after the move has occurred:

Once you have used this feature, you have the capability to run a report to discover how long each room is in use, how long patient wait times are, and the general effectiveness of each area of your practice:

Patient Tracking is designed to be used on a day-by-day basis. This doesn't mean that you must use it every day, but it can be helpful from time to time to use this feature in order to find ways to decrease the amount of time patients wait while they are in various rooms. Because of this, by default, all scheduled appointments show up at the beginning of the day for your chosen location. As the day goes on, when you move patients from room to room, simply select them in Patient Tracking. You will be able to not only keep track of where your patients are without leaving the desk, but also to find ways to streamline your process, and maximize your effectiveness in terms of patients seen and waiting times.

Be sure to contact GVT via the Contact Us button in the home screen to learn how to activate this feature for your practice!

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