Monday, January 4, 2021

2020 Recap


With 2021 underway, it’s time to look back at 2020: a troublesome, tumultuous year marred with severe forest fires, hurricanes, increased tensions in the Middle East, social unrest, and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic with its massive effects to health, education, travel, and the economy. No wonder Time magazine has crossed out 2020 on its cover and declared it the worst year ever!

The good news is that we now have a better understanding of COVID-19, improved treatment protocols, and many vaccines in testing or early use. Vaccinations have already started in the United States, as the FDA issued authorization for emergency use of both the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines. So far 4.3 million doses have been administered, and it is estimated that by the mid-year of 2021 over 100 million Americans will have received their shots, and we can regain the momentum we had before the strange year of 2020.

As we start 2021 with hope for recovery, it’s important to remember that the battle is ongoing. Stay safe, stay healthy!

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