Monday, August 31, 2015

The Worst...

In the medical world, we focus on giving patients the best healthcare possible and keeping them well and healthy, but for every patient, sooner or later, there does come a day when they pass away. Typically they have no chance to settle up their accounts before they do, either.

The repercussions of this sad situation are well illustrated in this question from one of our clients:

"As far as I know, there isn't an option box to check in a patient's account for the patient being deceased. If there isn't I think it would be a very helpful thing to know. I am a biller, and when I am making calls, I feel horrible to find out I'm calling someone that has died."

What an awkward and uncomfortable situation. We quite agree that she needed a way to find out discreetly that the patient was deceased. Fortunately, it is pretty easy to prevent this situation when using Rexpert. Below are the steps for recording on a patient's account that the patient is deceased:

Go to Account Registration in the Clinical tab:

Under the Dates section, you'll see a box to enter the date the patient passed away: 

After you've filled this out and saved it, whenever you open the patient's account afterwards, there will be clear warning messages notifying you that the patient is deceased: 

Now, if you are the first to hear the bad news, you are equipped to enter it into Rexpert for the benefit of everyone else who needs to know. No biller need ever again have to find out while in the middle of asking for the deceased's money!

Written by Laura Rowe

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