Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Error Enlightenment

Frustrated with getting the same faxing errors over and over again without knowing what they mean? Here are a few common errors, what they mean, and what to do about them.

"No carrier detected" 
The connection was unsuccessful due to an interruption or because the line was busy. Try again a little later.

Reject is a more general error, caused by the fax encountering the same error from the receiver for three consecutive retries. For example, if the destination number hangs up during the fax three times in a row, you will see this error.

"No response to MPS" 
This is a communication error, indicating that the receiver has disconnected partway through the transmission. Try again a little later, and if the problem persists, notify the party you were trying to fax.

"No response to PPS; Giving up after three attempts"
This is a communication error, indicating that the receiver has disconnected before the end of the transmission. This may be caused by the receiver's inability to keep up with the transmission rate. Try contacting your fax provider and asking them to turn off Super G3, lowering the transmission rate. Client Services can contact the fax provider for you, but be sure to contact us as soon as possible, as the detailed error logs needed for these adjustments are only kept for 48 hours.

"Failure to transmit clean ECM image data"
This is a communication error, indicating that the receiver has disconnected partway through the transmission. Try again a little later, and if the problem persists, notify the party you were trying to fax.

"Failed to properly open control V.34 channel." 
This error means that your fax machine is claiming to accept the highest speed of fax transmission, but is unable to carry through on the boast. It then fails to receive the fax because it can't cope with the speed. Contact Client Services for help fixing this situation. Again, do this well under 48 hours from the time of the error for best results.

"DIS/DTC received 3 times; DCS not recognized; too many attempts to dial."
This error indicates that no connection could be established with the destination. Try again a little later to make sure that the error is consistent, and if necessary contact Client Services or your fax provider directly. Try to do this less than 48 hours from the time of the error so that detailed error logs will still be available for troubleshooting.

No receiver protocol (T.30 T1 timeout); too many attempts to dial.
This error means that there was no response to the carrier signal. Your fax provider can adjust the signal class and this may help. Contact Client Services less than 48 hours from the time of the error so that detailed error logs will still be available.

"Failure to train remote modem at 2400 bps or minimum speed; Giving up after 3 attempts to send same page."
This error indicates either a problem with the quality of the receiving line, or timing issues during the sending. Your fax provider can make an adjustment that may help, so contact Client Services less than 48 hours from the time of the error, while detailed error logs are still available.

"RSPREC error/got DCN; too many attempts to dial"
This error indicates that the receiver hung up in mid-call. This can be caused by poor quality of the receiving line or by malfunction of the receiving equipment. Adjustment of the speed of the fax may resolve this. Contact Client Services less than 48 hours from the time of the error, so that we can contact your fax provider while detailed error logs are still available.

"Calls to the Caribbean Islands are not permitted" 
This error just calls to your attention the inhumanity of sending a fax which will only draw people away from their true Caribbean focus, the beach. Contacting Client Services to fix this error is not necessary, as really the only fair solution here is to hand-deliver the information. This will force you to spend a few days in the sun and sand yourself, but we must all make such sacrifices to deliver quality service!

Hopefully this information will help you work around any errors. And if the reason you're not getting any faxing errors is that you are not faxing anything, you are missing out!

Rexpert offers 3 free faxes a month, so there is no downside to giving it a try. There are plenty of upsides too: Faxing a document straight from Rexpert saves time and sanity compared to the clunkier method of printing out the entire document, walking to the fax machine, and faxing it that way. Any patient document can be a fax, but virtually any report prepared in Rexpert, from charge verification to scheduling, can also be faxed.

So go forth and start faxing!

Compiled by Laura Rowe

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