Wednesday, April 16, 2014

New Data Center

In the next few months, we will be making an exciting change to our technology structure. We will be moving all of our Rexpert servers to a state-of-the-art data center 30 miles outside of Philadelphia. Some of the improvements we will enjoy as part of this move are:
  • Network/Internet redundancy
  • Power redundancy: UPS systems provide power during generators startup; generators power entire building within 15 seconds
  • Cooling redundancy: two cooling systems with 24/7/365 professional service in the event of an emergency
  • Fire detection and suppression: building is solid block with no windows into the data center; full fire detection installed throughout the building
  • Raised floors: Provides flood protection and optimal cooling
  • Strong security measures: RFID Card access to the building and biometric access to the data center

With our current data solution, almost all Rexpert outages were traced back to power or Internet issues; these issues are addressed with the top-notch redundancy plan in the new data center. As a matter of fact, this data center was able to remain completely operational during Hurricane Sandy and the recent ice storms.

The move started in March 2014 and the full transition will take about 90 days as we will be moving one database at a time. In addition to the data center upgrade, we are upgrading each server supporting Rexpert before moving into the new data center. We are upgrading from Hewlett Packard mid-range servers to high availability Intel servers. So far, 8 databases (out of the 18 databases that we manage) are already running on this new technology and will easily transition to the new data center.

We do have a contingency plan if we encounter any issues during the transition. All data migration happens outside of business hours and, with the exception of planned outages, this move will not impact user activity.

If you have any questions about the new data center or our upgrade plans, please contact Client Services.

Contributors: Jim Sullivan and Mel Johnson

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