Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Quick Charge Entry

This just in! A new Wonder Pill has been discovered! Instantly grow extra arms as well as gain the ability to be in several places at the same time. Not only that, but you can also read minds and move objects like a Jedi! Multitasking has never been simpler, and all with one small pill...

Wouldn't that be nice? I think so. Too bad we all belong to the frail race of human beings and cannot perform such wonders. Humans are simply meant to struggle through life, rush to get everything done, and function on five hours of sleep and/or three cups of coffee. That's what we do: struggle.

For Doctors, however, the struggle will become easier. Rexpert is developing a new function for the iPad called Quick Charge Entry. Perfect for your doctors on the go!

Among its many functions, Quick Charge Entry will give doctors access to current patient data, allow them to create charges in the hospital, and relay patient-related instructions to the staff back in the office.

For example...

Imagine you are a doctor doing nursing home rounds. You have nothing but your trusty tablet which presents you with a list of all the patients you need to see, organized by floor, room, and bed. As you walk from bed to bed, patient information is at your fingertips. For every case, you have the ability to issue instructions to staff in seconds. At the first bed, you write, "Please call patient's daughter and let her know that her mother's med dosage will be changing." Done! Instantly, that instruction is sent to the staff along with the charge information for today's visit. For bed number two it's, "Please send these records to the referring provider." At bed number three you say, "Send the nursing home instructions on a low potassium diet." The possibilities are endless!

Not all of us can have multiple arms, but every doctor should have access to technology that makes their job easier. If you had one super power that would make your job easier, what would it be? Let us know in the Comment section below. Questions or concerns? Contact Client Services via the Feedback button.

Written by: Kylie McKenzie Soder

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