Thursday, August 30, 2012

Government News

More than ever, it is important for practice managers to stay informed regarding the government policies that impact all healthcare practices. These changes will continue to affect the way you conduct your business as well as influence your technology requirements. Here are some of key areas:

EMR/EHR or Electronic Medical and Health records: We strongly suggest that you not wait until the last minute to purchase your EMR/EHR system. As you may be aware, your practice needs an EHR to achieve “Meaningful Use” and qualify for Medicare incentives. In 2015 and later, Medicare eligible professionals, eligible hospitals, and CAHs that do not successfully demonstrate “meaningful use” will have a payment ADJUSTMENT in their Medicare reimbursement. The payment reduction starts at 1% and increases each year that a Medicare eligible professional does not demonstrate meaningful use, to a maximum of 5%. Please read about “Meaningful Use” on the Medicare website.

Medicare Revalidation: Medicare is now requiring all enrolled providers to revalidate enrollment information every five years. When you receive a revalidation request, you have 60 days to submit the required enrollment information. Failure to submit the enrollment information may lead to deactivation of all Medicare billing privileges. Please visit CMS on the web for more info.

ICD-10: On April 17, 2012 the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) published a proposed rule that would delay, from October 1, 2013 to October 1, 2014, the compliance date for the International Classification of Diseases, 10th Edition diagnosis and procedure codes (ICD-10). To read and understand the basics of ICD-10, please visit the Medicare site.

E-prescribing: To avoid Medicare penalties for E-prescribing please take a minute to read about this program. If you are experiencing a hardship, you might be exempted from Medicare’s penalties by filing a hardship exemption request.

An EMR/EHR Solution: Rexpert is now partnered with the AllMeds EMR/EHR system! If your practice is interested in Meaningful Use incentives, wants to E-prescribe, or is currently transitioning from a paper record to an electronic patient record then our Rexpert/AllMeds solution might be ideal for your practice. The Rexpert system is a proven solution for financial management. This combined system will protect your reimbursement/cash flow as your practice moves from paper to electronic patient records. Additionally, AllMeds guarantees satisfaction or your money back!

  • To read more about AllMeds, go to the AllMeds web site.
  • Please contact Christine to schedule a demo with an AllMeds representative or to discuss your particular situation further.  Alternatively, you can use the Feedback button on the main Rexpert screen to contact Client Services with any questions or concerns. 

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