Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Delete Multiple Notes At Once

Now it's easy to delete multiple Account Notes!

You select multiple entries in much the same way that you do in any Windows™ application:

Continuous Entries:  You can use this option if there are multiple notes that are grouped together. 

First, left-click on the first entry of your selection. Now position your cursor to the last note which you want to delete, hold down the Shift key, and then left-click. All entries between (and including) the first and the last are now highlighted/selected.

To delete the entries, click on the delete button: 

Non-Continuous Entries:  You can use this option if you want to select entries that are not grouped together.

First, left-click on the first entry, now hold down the Control (Ctrl) key, and then left-click on each entry you wish to include in your list.

To delete the entries, click on the delete button: 


By clicking a second time on any highlighted selection, you are able to unselect that entry.

You can also add to an existing range of entries by using a combination of the Continuous entries and Non-Continuous entries selection methods:

First, you select your range of Continuous entries, then use the Ctrl key and click on the additional individual notes you wish to delete.

Easy as that!

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