Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Delete Multiple Notes At Once

Now it's easy to delete multiple Account Notes!

You select multiple entries in much the same way that you do in any Windows™ application:

Continuous Entries:  You can use this option if there are multiple notes that are grouped together. 

First, left-click on the first entry of your selection. Now position your cursor to the last note which you want to delete, hold down the Shift key, and then left-click. All entries between (and including) the first and the last are now highlighted/selected.

To delete the entries, click on the delete button: 

Non-Continuous Entries:  You can use this option if you want to select entries that are not grouped together.

First, left-click on the first entry, now hold down the Control (Ctrl) key, and then left-click on each entry you wish to include in your list.

To delete the entries, click on the delete button: 


By clicking a second time on any highlighted selection, you are able to unselect that entry.

You can also add to an existing range of entries by using a combination of the Continuous entries and Non-Continuous entries selection methods:

First, you select your range of Continuous entries, then use the Ctrl key and click on the additional individual notes you wish to delete.

Easy as that!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Screenshots for Feedback

Often, when you encounter a problem or have questions using Rexpert™, it can be difficult to figure out the best way to word your questions using the Feedback button.

Rather than writing paragraphs of details surrounding your issue, it can be very helpful to send a screenshot to Client Support. Of course, the more details you include, the easier it is to pinpoint the nature of your question or comment; a screenshot can really make a difference.

Navigate to the screen you want to use to make a screenshot. This is important: Prior to pressing the Contact Us button, locate the screen which you wish to send. Once you have your desired screen displayed, press the Alt key along with the Print Screen key, then press the Contact Us button.

While it varies from keyboard to keyboard, the Print Screen key is usually near the right side of the very top row of the keyboard, to the right of the F12 key. The Alt key is at the bottom, right next to the Space bar. Using these two keys, you will soon be able to create screenshots whenever you desire.

Using the Feedback button as normal, just set Please Respond Via to be an E-mail, and then right under your e-mail address, check the box labeled Include screenshot.

It is also important to know that you can send only one image per message. You will also not be able to preview the attachment you are sending, so be careful to select the exact screen that you want to include in your message. If you make a mistake and copy the incorrect image, you can simply select the correct image, and again press the Alt and Print Screen buttons again. Only the last image captured will be converted into the PDF file.

For demonstration purposes, imagine that a patient calls in and cancels an appointment. You know that there are patients currently in the Wait List, hoping to have a chance to reschedule for an earlier appointment. You decide to check, and click on the Wait List button in the Scheduler:

(Click on any image to enlarge.)

The Wait List screen appears. You are surprised to receive an Information window with the simple message stating, "No appointments found." Something is wrong here because you know that there are indeed patients in the Wait List. You decide to take a screenshot so you can show this to Client Support. To do this, simply press Print Screen and Alt buttons.

Rather than printing the screen, it copies it to your clipboard. Once you click the Send button, the image will be converted into a PDF file, which is encrypted with a secure password, then sent along with your message as an attachment.

Rather than having to look around in your system to see what might be going wrong, Client Support can see right away that it was possible that a single click might reveal to you the appointments you were trying to find.

Make sure to include details about the image and what your question or comment pertains to in the picture itself. At this point, the matter is out of your hands until you receive an answer from Client Support.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Meaningful Money

Success! Isn't that the name of our game?

Today we have a success story for a small surgical practice that was using a "paper-only" records system. They decided to transition to a Meaningful Use Electronic Health Records (EHR) system using Amazing Charts. Surgical Associates, MD, PC is located in Branson, Missouri, and the office manager, Gala Holiday-Wonder, shares with us her knowledge and experience.

Your successful colleague writes: We started using Amazing Charts in August 2011. Getting started was a bit of a challenge. I am not a computer person, nor did I have the time to "customize" the system, and it is a system like all other EMRs that you have to make yours. So, I made time. It is very time consuming, so prepare for that; make time, it pays off. Templates come with the system and are very generic, so you will have to customize your templates. However, you have to do that no matter what system you go with.

The technical support at Amazing Charts is priceless, I cannot say enough positive about their support. Amazing Charts is an excellent EMR system, and it has met our needs as well as the Meaningful Use criteria. We implemented the system in stages, which is why I think for us it has been successful. Once you learn how to navigate in Amazing Charts, you will more than likely be pleased with the system. I will be happy to share any of our templates with anybody that goes with this system; there is no reason to re-invent them if you don't have to. The interfaces done by Rexpert™ have been flawless. Our billing and receivables processes have not been interrupted with the changes and additions. We did not want to go with an EMR/billing program because we have been very pleased with the services provided by Practical Billing. When you are looking at EMRs, be careful of what they promise versus what they provide. All of them will promise templates, but don't buy into that. You will have to provide the time and resources to customize them.

I followed up with this successful Office Manager, asking her the following questions. Hopefully, you will appreciate her practice's success, and make use of her voluntary information to make informed decisions for your own practice.

Michael - How large is your practice, and what is your specialty?
Gala - We are a general surgery practice, employing 1 surgeon and 4 employees.

Michael - Why did you choose the EMR that you are using?
Gala - It met our needs, the cost, and it is user friendly.

Michael - Were you 'paper-only' prior to the switch?
Gala - Yes.

Michael - How much did you know about the criteria/process before you began?
Gala - Nothing.

Michael - How much incentive money did you actually receive after making the change?
Gala - $18,000.

Michael - Will you receive any additional incentives?
Gala - Eligible professionals registered with Medicare EMR incentive program can earn up to $44,000.00 over a 5 year period (beginning in 2011), so yes, we anticipate additional incentive payments; however, we will have to meet the stage 2 Meaningful Use criteria over the next year to qualify for additional payments. We met stage 1 of Meaningful Use.

Michael - How long did it take to receive those funds?
Gala - 8 months after going live."

Michael - What was the total cost for your practice to make the changeover?

Gala - $20,000.

Michael - Why did you decide to implement the Meaningful Use change?
Gala - The Medicare incentive program and the threat of reduction if we didn't use it.

Michael - Did you feel that you were too busy to make the change?

Gala - Yes.

Michael - Does the status of having Meaningful Use implemented determine contracts with any insurance companies? Which ones?

Gala - Yes, Medicare.

Michael - How much additional time does it take to meet the Meaningful Use criteria?

Gala - Once you get used to the system, which takes about 3-6 months, it requires very little time.

Michael - Did you need to hire additional staff to support the changeover?

Gala - No.

Michael - Now that you use the EHR which generates charges, how much of the data do you need to revise after it is sent back into the Rexpert™ system?

Gala - Nothing.

Michael - What would you recommend to other physicians who are wondering about making the change?

Gala - "Patience.