Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Amazing Charts Integration

Rexpert now works with the Amazing Charts EMR/EHR system! If your practice is interested in Meaningful Use incentives, wants to ePrescribe, or is currently transitioning from a paper patient record to an electronic patient record, we have excellent news: We have recently integrated with the Amazing Charts EMR/EHR system.

Because the Rexpert™ system is a proven solution for financial management, this combined system will protect your reimbursement/cash flow as your practice moves from paper to electronic patient records.

There are a number of companies and systems that specialize in EMR/EHR and a wide variety of clinical reporting needs. Therefore we continue to follow a strategy which allows your practice to select the best EMR fit while continuing to use our industry-leading Rexpert™ Practice Management System. We believe this approach minimizes the risk for your practice during the transition to an EMR.  However, after reviewing many solutions, we are highlighting Amazing Charts, despite some overlap between its functionality and ours.

  • Price - Amazing Charts is affordable with a low entry price and a chance to try the product for 90 days on a trial basis
  • Performance - Amazing Charts is highly rated in a number of client surveys
  • Meaningful Use - the package includes a Meaningful Use wizard to help you implement the sometimes-complex requirements   
  • E-prescribing - part of the standard product and SureScript certified.  
  • Specialty Support - including many cool features such as direct links between Amazing Charts and EKG equipment, freehand drawing for dermatologists, integration with state immunization registries for pediatricians, and much more.
  • Communication - you continue to enter patients' insurance and demographic information in Rexpert™ which sends it to Amazing Charts and, optionally, receive rudimentary charges from Amazing Charts into Rexpert. 

Some Features of Amazing Charts

  • Messaging Intra-office messaging is a critical component of an EHR and is what sets Amazing Charts apart from other programs that don’t have this built-in ability. All the stuff that used to be done with sticky notes and yelling down the hallway (e.g., prescription refills, getting somebody a chart, even your request for lunch) are all now quickly and easily entered into Amazing Charts and sent from staff member to staff member. No more getting up to find somebody or pulling a chart to see the last time a medication got refilled – just use Amazing Charts’ built-in intra-office messaging system. But for those who just can't give up their sticky notes - we even have these built these into Amazing Charts so that you'll feel right at home.
  • ePrescribing Amazing Charts contains a robust and built-in ePrescribing module, which includes drug-drug and drug-allergy interactions and the ability to both print and transmit prescriptions electronically. Subscribers to the maintenance plan get the full ePrescribing module for no additional charge.
  • Reporting Being able to easily query your database and find all patients meeting certain criteria is one of the main benefits of using an Electronic Health Record - not to mention a core requirement for the government's Meaningful Use (MU) push. Our user-friendly reporting tool provides common preset queries as well as the ability to build your own complex queries in an easy step by step process.
  • Working Off-Site Using LogMeIn and other remote desktop applications, you can easily connect to your Amazing Charts database over the Internet and document as if you were in your office. If you are away from a computer, or don't have an Internet connection, you can use the iPhone App, or the Amazing Synch Utility included with Amazing Charts.

How to get Started 
If you're interested in more information on how to get started, contact Client Services, use the Feedback button on the main Rexpert screen, or e-mail us at guidev@practice-alt.com.


Gala Holliday Wonder said...

We started using Amazing charts in August 2011. Getting started was a bit of a challenge. I am not a computer person, nor did I have the time to "customize" the system, and it is a system like all other EMRs that you have to make yours. So,I made time.It is very time cunsuming, so prepare for that, make time, it pays off. Templates come with the system and are very generic, you will have to customize your templates. However you have to do that no matter what system you go with. The technical support at Amazing Charts is priceless, I cannot say enough positive about their support. Amazing charts is an excellent EMR system and has met our needs as well as the meaningful use criteria. We implemented the system in stages, which is why I think for us it has been successful. Once you learn how to navigate in Amazing Charts you will more than likely be pleased with the system. I will be happy to share any of our templates with anybody that goes with this system, there is no reason to re invent them if you don't have to. The interfaces done by Rexpert have been flawless. Our billing and receivables processes have not been interrupted with the changes and additions. We did not want to go with an EMR/billing program because we have been very pleased with the services provided by Practical Billing. When you are looking at EMRs, be careful of what they promise versus what they provide. All of them will promise templates, don't buy that, you will have to provide the time and resourse to customize them. Gala Holliday Wonder, RN, CPC, Office Manager, Surgical Associates.

Practice Alternatives, Inc. said...

Thank you very much, Gala, for your input; also for your willingness to share templates.