Thursday, July 7, 2011

Search Using Lookup Button

Recently, some of you have been asking questions regarding lookups and their use.  GVT has added some new features to lookups over the last few releases, so here is a short demonstration of some of the standard ways that lookups are used.  Because of the many searching options in the Account Lookup, it will be the focus of this post.

To access the Account Lookup, press on the binoculars next to the Account Number field in Account Registration:

(Click any image to enlarge.)

The Account Lookup opens.  Notice the default search option is for accounts on a last name, first name basis. This means it is possible to search for patients by simply entering in all or part of their names:

(Information has been censored which may be used to identify the fictional* patients used for demonstration purposes.)

Now, take a look at the general design of the screen.  There are four separate elements on this screen.  The most important element on the screen is the browse itself, where the patient information is shown.  Next, the column headers along the top of the browse are very useful.  For example, to search by Medical Record Number rather than by Last Name, First Name, simply click on the Medical Record Number column header:

(Information has been censored which may be used to identify the fictional* patients used for demonstration purposes.)

Notice the Get All button at the bottom of this screen.  Anytime you see this button, you are only dealing with a portion of the account records.  In order to access all accounts at once, press the Get All button.

At first glance everything appears to be the same.  However, underneath the browse in light gray letters is displayed the number of patient accounts found, and the amount of time it took to retrieve them.  Notice the comparison between the numbers before and after pressing Get All:

The more patient records your practice has, the longer the Get All feature will take.  The information for all of the patients seen by your practice, often numbering in the hundreds of thousands, has to be copied from the computer which stores the data to the memory of the computer showing the lookup.  The more often you look up patient information by retrieving all accounts, the more you slow down your session.  Accessing thousands of entries every time you attempt to look up one patient is not necessary.  It is almost always possible to find the account you are looking for more quickly by simply using the search feature.

(Note: An exception is when you need to search by Phone Number.  For all other columns, click on the column header and then enter the info into the Search field and find the account that way.)

Sometimes you don't have any patient information, and only have a subscriber policy number or the name of a parent or spouse.  This is where the other two options immediately under the search box can be lifesavers!

The general functions of all other lookups found in Rexpert are the same as for the Account Lookup.

* All patient names displayed are fictional. Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

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