Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Moving Around in Rexpert

When you enter certain screens, some fields will show default values, such as the Payor in Payment Entry. Sometimes you will want a different value in the field. Some people accomplish this by selecting the old value with the mouse and hitting the delete key before typing in the new value.

Here is a quick tip to help you work faster in this situation. As you are working through the fields on a screen, press Tab to move to the next one. This is faster than pointing with the mouse and clicking into the field anyway, but it is especially helpful when you need to clear out a default entry.

When you Tab into a field, the entire entry becomes highlighted, allowing you to replace it automatically with the first keystroke of the new value. (You can use the Spacebar if you want the new value to be blank.)

(Click to enlarge.)

If you ever need to search/select an entry from a lookup, the entry in the field doesn't matter anyway. When you press F2 or click on the Lookup button and choose an entry, it will bring the new entry back into the field, so you don't need to spend any time clearing out the field first.

So why are there defaults if you are going to have to change them? Because it doesn't take any more time to clear out an entry than it does to type in a new one, and the default entry is often the one you will need anyway. Having it there can save a little of your time, especially in screens you use everyday.

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