Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Video on Payor Searches

Hello again everyone, it's time for another blog post from GVT. This time it's about a video tutorial! You can head on over to YouTube and check it out here or watch it below.

If you are viewing this from a Remote Desktop session, you will need to copy the link and paste it into a browser on the client machine or a personal computer.

Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6Qtt-hNxnY

Search by Record Number

Hello everyone, here's another helpful tip from the people at GVT. This post is going to show you how to search for a patient using their Medical Record number. After Rexpert is open, bring up Account Registration and click on the Lookup button (black binoculars), which will open the Lookup screen:

(Click any image to enlarge.)

Now that you are in the Lookup screen, click the Get All button, which is in the bottom left corner of the screen:

Because we want to search by Medical Record, we are going to click on the "Medical Record" header in the browse. This will sort the records by Medical Record, and also change the search box to search by Medical Record instead of name:

Now that all of the patients are loaded and our search box is going to use Medical Record number, type in the Medical Record you are searching for. We will search for the patient with the Medical Record of "1". After you type in the number, press Search or hit Enter:

The search will take you to the first entry that matches the search, which is the exact patient we are looking for:

Just double-click on the patient in the browse to open up that patient in Account Registration:

Monday, August 2, 2010

Changes in Registration

Hello everyone, the GVT team is back with another helpful piece of information. Today we will be showing you how to change a patient's information without closing the current screen.

First, open up the Scheduler and make a new appointment:

(Click any image to enlarge.)

Now enter in the patient's Account Number. This will bring up the account information:

You look at the patient's home phone number, and realize that it's not correct. Instead of closing out of the window, finish making the appointment and save it. Now, open up the Account Registration screen, without closing the Scheduler. The account number will already be entered, so just press Tab or Enter:

Now, press the Edit button and change the information, phone number in this example, to the correct values:

After the incorrect values have been changed to the correct ones, save the changes and go back to the Scheduler:

The appointment should still be there. Now, open up the scheduled appointment, and the information will be changed:

Using this method should save some time because you won't have to close and open windows multiple times to check the information is correct.