Monday, October 28, 2013

Font 9 Error

We love to hear your opinions. It's suggestions and comments from you that keep us updating Rexpert. Our goal is to create software that reflects the high standard of care that you provide for your patients. The only way we can do that is with your help.

So, once again, we need your help. Recently, Client Services has received several complaints about a Font 9 not in font set error. The feedback we have received so far has made us aware that this error exists... Unfortunately, we are having some difficulty reproducing the error ourselves. Record of the error has been appearing in our logs regularly, but we are at a loss when it comes to figuring out what causes it. 

This is extremely annoying, not just for you but for us too. From what we have gathered, the error is being caused by "something" interfering with the fonts that Rexpert has loaded into memory. The key to ending this enigma is identifying what this "something" is...

Now, this is where you can help. Keep sending us feedback. Please. As soon as you see this error, we would love to hear about it in as much detail as you can give us. The more the better! Please include things like what you were doing prior to getting the error. Were you running a report? Exporting to Excel? Scheduling an appointment or deleting an account? Were you scheduling an appointment, and then deleted an account? Whatever it is, let us know. The more information you provide, the better our chance is at reproducing the error and solving this issue.

For example, for one client, we were able to narrow the problem down to a specific printer (a laser Jet 4300). Thanks to the detailed feedback we received, we discovered that the Font 9 error would appear immediately after the client printed anything to that printer. Tech Support was then able to go in, re-install the printer drivers, and hopefully fix the issue. There is almost certainly the same thing happening in other cases: these errors show up after printing to a certain printer or using a certain device.

Note: This is not simply a Rexpert issue. The error is a result of other other activities in your RTS session. For example, if you are set up to use Excel or Word outside of Rexpert and have large files open, please tell us. This would give us something to investigate.

Don't let these Font 9 errors get you down. Help us help you by letting us know more about any errors you receive. Use the Feedback button to contact Client Services, or leave a Comment below and tell us what we can do to improve your Rexpert Experience!

Written by: Kylie McKenzie Soder

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