Tuesday, July 30, 2013


ePrescribe. Many of you asked for it, so we are actively working to include it in the next release. We are partnering with DrFirst, a leading company in electronic prescribing, to incorporate their Rcopia product. Rcopia has won several awards in the past few years including the Surescripts Gold Solution Provider certification.

Now, I bet you're wondering what ePrescribe can do for you. How will switching to electronic prescriptions help your practice?

Three reasons to use ePrescribe:

Patient Safety:
  • Over 7,000 people die every year due to medication errors like illegible handwriting, overdosing from duplicate therapies, and missed drug-related allergic reactions. ePrescribe eliminates human error like handwriting and overlooked information. You will receive warning messages if patients are renewing prescriptions too early or are receiving prescriptions from multiple providers. It even checks allergy information automatically so you don't have to! Let's keep our patients safe by removing the main causes of accidental death.
Green Offices:
  • Did you know that an average of 3,000,000,000 paper prescriptions are written per annum?! That's any where from 25,000 to 36,000 trees a year! That makes, assuming one acre of forest land can support 600 trees, 60 acres of forest used every year for prescriptions! Switching to ePrescribe will eliminate all that paper waste. Wouldn't it be nice to feel like you're helping, not only your patients, but the environment as well?
  • Here's an age-old story we all know well: a patient comes into the office for a visit and is prescribed a medication upon departure. She takes her prescription to her pharmacy only to find out that her insurance does not cover the medication. What does she do? Does she call her doctor and wait for him to find a medication that's covered, which could take days? Or does she simply pay then and there at a higher cost? Or does she just decide to not take the medication at all, with negative consequences? With ePrescribe, doctors will be able to see immediately what prescriptions are covered by an insurance company. This will save time, and saving time means saving money! 
Amazing benefits right?! But that's not all. Remember our post on PQRS benefits and penalties? As with PQRS, under the Medicare Improvements For Patients And Providers Act (MIPPA) your practice will receive penalties for not switching to ePrescribe starting at a 1% reduction in your Medicare payment, rising to 2% in 2014, and only continuing from there.

So, are you ready to switch? Well, it's easy and affordable! Use your Feedback button to contact Client Services for pricing details.

Contributor: Kylie McKenzie Soder

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