Thursday, March 22, 2012

Web-Based Report Delivery

We now offer a new and excellent feature for your practice to attract and retain your referring providers: Web-based Report Delivery...

What is that??

Exactly what it sounds like: Make reports available on the Internet rather than using actual paper and ink. You know; use fewer trees, reduce carbon emissions, save the planet! Also, it allows your referrers to securely access reports anytime and from almost any device.

Now, when you dictate a report on a patient from one of your referring providers, your delivery of the results is virtually immediate! Your lifeblood referring providers will not have to wait for a clumsy fax to print (possibly at a remote location), then waste time and energy storing that outdated paper document in the patient's file. If the referrer works at multiple locations, the report can be accessed immediately from any of them.

So logically, using this feature makes complete sense. You finish with the patient, all your data is entered into the Rexpert™ system, then you simply e-mail the referring provider with the link to securely access the sensitive data. (This can be set up as an automated process for every referring provider who wants to receive reports in this way.) It is important to note that the referring provider will then have the ability to simply save the document as a PDF file, and will also be able to directly save that same information into many EMR/EHR's.

The Process:

It's simple. Simply complete the patient's report, then send! Your referring provider receives an e-mail like the one below and clicks on the link...

Note:  All images and logos in the following pictures are only examples. Your own personalized images and logos will be substituted.

...that link takes him or her to a secure server where a pre-assigned password is entered:

...once he or she is in, the report is immediately visible.  One click on the PDF file, and your report displays ...

... it can be saved to the refererr's system, printed, or even saved directly into his/her EMR/EHR program.

PDF Generated Report:

...another option for referrers to choose to see all reports on that particular patient. Also, they can see all reports you have generated for their patients in the last 30 days: 


Sure, you might say that you could e-mail the report directly as an encrypted attachment.
Yes, your referring providers would be able to open the document to review; however, and this is important; they would have no way to save it because encrypted documents are blocked from the save function.

Contact us immediately to set you up for this feature, and give your referring providers another reason to come to you for top-of-the-line service.

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