Friday, March 4, 2011

Multiple Tabs in Account Payors

First of all, to everyone who submits questions and comments via the Feedback button, give yourself a quick pat on the back. Your suggestions help guide the development team. Screens often change when new data is required, or when your feedback suggests there may be a more efficient way of doing something.

Although these changes are designed to help, they can seem confusing at first. If it seems that something important has gone missing, has been changed, or doesn't work any more, take a moment to reevaluate the screen and you will likely find something has simply been moved to a new location or renamed. Check the tool-tips to find more helpful information.

One example of a recent screen change can be found in Account Payors. When several new fields needed to be added to the screen, a new tab had to be created to contain the fields. Now, there are two tabs, Main and the new tab, Extended:

When the new tab was created, one of the fields that migrated over to the new tab was the Bill to the Attention of field. In a screen you use as often as Account Payors, it can be confusing at first to find that important fields are missing. Simply scan the page to see what has moved, and check other tabs, and you will likely find what you are looking for:

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