Wednesday, May 11, 2016

EHR Step-Through

AuroraEHR has an exciting new feature: the step-through buttons. These buttons allow you to create groups of tasks (for your practice only)  through which you can quickly navigate with just one click. No more closing the task, returning to Schedule View, and double-clicking the next task - over and over and over!

Identify a group of tasks to step-through, and send this information to Client Services.  Once the setup is done, go to Schedule View and open the first task in the group. After you finish editing it, hit Save and then click on the orange down arrow to step-through to the next task in the group. You can can hit the up arrow to re-visit tasks you've finished. Note that hitting the arrow will not save your changes before moving to the next screen, so be sure to save first. You can exit the sequence at any time.

The step-through function offers new possibilities. You can set up a group of tasks for the front desk to perform as the patient checks in -- the front desk staffer needs only open one task and then step-through to the next task one by one. Another group can gather all the tasks needed by the medical assistant in the patient room, and a third group can cover the tasks reserved for the doctor.

This about your practice's patterns, and let Client Services know what you want to try.  

Written by Laura Rowe